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Smart Door Lock- Semi-automatic xauv

Smart Door Lock- Semi-automatic xauv

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

JSLQ2-F Technical parameters of password xauv


Los ntawm PVD nto kho tshuab, cov khoom yog tsim raws li lub thib peb-tiam kov qauv, nrog ib tug ua tiav cov txheej txheem tshuaj xyuas, tshiab positioning piece technology, Circuit Court board zoo thiab ultra-tsawg zog noj, ruaj khov thiab txhim khu kev qha zoo, trustworthy.

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Khoom nthuav dav

• Hlau ncej (zoo stainless hlau)
• Patented clutch tsim
• Cov qauv tsim muaj kev sib xyaw ua ke zoo heev
• Customizable qhov rooj hlau nplaum
• Cov khoom siv PC ib zaug kub xovxwm molding: kub / kub tsis kam, tsis kam ua haujlwm
• Hlau ncej: txhuam stainless hlau
• Qhov rooj xauv tes hauj lwm
• Semiconductor ntiv tes
• Touchscreen tswv yim
• Qhov rooj qhib app rau koj lub xov tooj
• Tus lej lej qhib qhov rooj
• Yuav rov tsim dua tshiab
• Haum rau tsev neeg, villas, tsev so, chav tsev, tsev xauj

Sab nrauv xauv loj 265 * 58 * 19
Vaj huam sib luag khoom 304 stainless hlau
Nto tshuab Stainless hlau txhuam
Haum lub xauv lub cev 5050, Ib tus nplaig, European txheem ntsuas lub cev
Qhov rooj thickness yuav tsum 40-110 hli
Xauv lub taub hau Super Class B mechanical xauv
Ua haujlwm kub -20 ° C - + 60 ° C
Networking hom Bluetooth
Fais fab mov hom 4 roj teeb alkaline
Tsawg voltage tswb 4.8v ua
Standby tam sim no 60m ua
Ua haujlwm tam sim no ± 200mA
Xauv lub sijhawm ≈1.5s
Hom tseem ceeb Capacitive kov tus yuam sij
Ntiv tes lub taub hau hom Semiconductor (ZFM-10) <0.001% <1.0%
FFR <0.001%
FAR <1.0%
Tus ntiv tes muaj peev xwm 120 pawg (customizable muaj peev xwm nthuav)
Tus lej password Txhawb 150 pab pawg (tsis txwv dynamic password)
Daim npav hom M1 daim
Number of IC cards 200 nplooj ntawv
Txoj kev qhib qhov rooj App, Code, IC card, Mechanical key
Lwm txoj kev Tuya, TTLOCK

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